If you like exercising and having fun with other people and you're looking for some motivation and inspiration, these classes are for you. Classes are £8.80 for adults or £5.20 for junior/ concession tickets and all our classes are included in your membership.

Body Pump Classes

Body Pump is a fast-paced, barbell-based workout that's specifically designed to help you get lean, toned and fit. It uses a combination of motivating music, fantastic instructors and scientifically proven moves to help you achieve these targets more quickly than you would working out on your own.

High Intensity

Feel the burn and experience all the amazing fitness benefits of our high intensity (HIIT) classes - the fastest way to burn calories, improve your cardio health, as well as strengthen and tone your muscles, under the guidance of our motivational instructors.

Indoor Cycling Classes

Our dedicated group cycling studio hosts both virtual and instructor-led classes. These sessions are ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels, whether you're a beginner or more experienced, they're a fantastic way to help you reach your fitness goals.

Calming Classes

Our calming classes are the best way to make sure you get that time for you that you deserve. With focus on your breathing, relaxation and core strength, they’re the perfect way to maintain a strong mind and body.

Aqua Classes

Join us for one of our fantastic fitness classes in the pool, with all the benefits of a standard workout, in the water. Water-based classes are a low-impact way to exercise, making it a safe and enjoyable workout for all levels of fitness.